At Tripoli 2005 Motor Exhibition

At Tripoli 2005 Motor Exhibition

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Motor vehicle registration in Nigeria, perhaps in Lagos for most of us it’s rather unpleasant task. Some of us find the process so confusing and sometimes frustrating to the extent that we either resolve to employ the service of a tout, or find our way through the back door. Apart from the risk associated with such illegal passage, the cost is also usually outrageous, between 25,000 Naira to 35, 000 Naira, depending on your Motor Vehicle Brand / or it Engine Capacity. (Very expensive if I tell you the total official fee is actually between N18, 000 - N28, 000 no mater the capacity of the engine).
To attend to the diverse problems and risk associated to obtaining your original Motor Vehicle papers, and also save some money, you will have to consider legitimate passage through process. Of course you and I will admit that several factors are responsible for the ugly experience in and around the department (MVAA) to include touting, saboteurs, misconception, overdependence on the back-door syndrome, corruption and lack of information and or education.
Your best option if you’re less-busy person is you don’t allow the process to look unpleasant, or intimidating, be bold. Enter any of the Motor Vehicle Administration Agency stations around you and insist to enquire from official in his supervisory level. Let your status lead you! You are a Nigerian, with every right to insist processing your Motor Vehicle registration without the need to talking with any tout, who would charge high and sometimes out of greed deliver fake papers. And for those very busy people, who can not afford extra time from his / her daily schedule. The good new is that there are a few Virtual Assistance Service Businesses, which now operate with legal structure for busy people. You only pay service charges of token between N2, 000.00 –N3, 000.00, and you can be sure of the originality since they (Virtual Assistants) have their company name to protect.
Post your comment or queries now on Motor Vehicle Support you would like discuss on the forum; I will be glad you did. Thanks for requesting for Free info from Motor Vehicle Support Group.
ABOUT THE AUTOR: Tayo George-Adewoye, online Business Manager, Director, strategic planning and Management, Geokaz Ventures and President, Motor Vehicle Support Group. Email:,, Tel: 018406397(off) 08032241768(mob)
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